
The manufacturing industry constantly struggles to maximize productivity and maintain quality while keeping costs to a minimum. Offshoring and superior organization have successfully lowered costs, but emerging market conditions demand further optimization. That is where business process automation (BPA) provides the edge needed to propel operations to the next level. In simple words, business process automation is the use of technology to automate repetitive, manual tasks carried out on a day-to-day basis. In doing…

The Symphony of Integration in a Cloud-Driven World Imagine an IT team facing a high-stakes project, racing against the clock to deploy scalable and secure services. They’re managing a complex web of on-premise software and cloud resources, and the clock is ticking. The challenge isn’t just in the deployment; it’s in the seamless operation of these services post-launch, and this is where the magic of integration, like ServiceNow AWS Integration, comes into play—turning potential…

The insurance industry in the United States is brutally competitive. It takes over $1 trillion in annual premiums and employs 2.8 million people. Nearly 6,000 insurance companies contribute a big chunk to the country’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  This competitiveness makes it a constant uphill battle for insurers to gain leads and grow the customer base. That is where email automation can help bolster insurance marketing. It’s common for insurance professionals to struggle…

Technology for automation in healthcare minimizes or eliminates the need for human intervention for various tasks. It is transforming the healthcare industry in many ways – improving patient care, optimizing hospital administration, and lowering costs. Automation has revolutionized every industry it has touched and healthcare is no different. Let’s take a deep dive into the impact of automation in healthcare, and how it is shaping the future of the industry.  The Impact of Automation in…

As technology investors and business owners of the modern day, you understand the significance of staying ahead of the curve and embracing digital transformation to gain a competitive edge. One area that holds immense potential for optimization and efficiency is Accounts Payable (AP) – the lifeblood of financial management. Accounts Payable is the backbone of financial transactions, encompassing invoice processing, vendor management, and payment disbursement. However, manual AP processes can be time-consuming, error-prone, and resource-intensive,…

D.S. Harder coined the term automation, while he was the engineering manager at Ford Motors in the 1940s. It was when Henry Ford introduced his moving assembly line and large manufacturing plants during the Second Industrial Revolution that the term automaton picked up the pace. Decades later, automation is driven by software applications and the Internet of Things, where machines can communicate with each other faster and execute complex tasks better while human operators oversee…

The way people work is changing fast, and to keep up with pacey advancements in the industry, businesses are turning to the cloud. The end-to-end practice of HR professionals has immensely benefited from tech-driven workflows, automation, and the impact of AI on the way businesses operate. Rather than considering the Great Resignation as a stopping point, many HR leaders are leveraging cloud HR software to strategically organize HR functions and find better ways to recruit,…

Cognitive Automation in Healthcare: AI and machine learning are already transforming the way the medical industry functions, and how patients get access to healthcare services. From integrating AI for handling rigorous documentation tasks to personalized healthcare support using conversational bots, physicians are increasingly reliant on new cognitive automation solutions to streamline diagnosis, treatment, and the patient recovery process.  However, pundits would argue that the adoption of cognitive systems in healthcare is slower than required. The…